Shells, Shells, Um... Which Ones?

Shells, Shells, Um... Which Ones?

Huh?... I'm just plain lost.

There are shells that are polished, painted, and glossed. There are shells that are long, flat, and pointy. Which am I to pick? I'm here to clear up the confusion and point the way. I will answer some questions like: Is this shell safe or unsafe for my hermit crab? Is my hermit crab going to like this shell? Do hermit crabs like painted shells? Where do I find a good shell to buy for my hermit crab? How much does a good shell cost? Just read on for the answers.

Unsafe, or just fine?

There are many ways a shell can be unsafe. One major "No-No" is painted shells. It may look pretty, but paint is toxic to them. The toxic paint will soon rub off and your hermit crab can ingest it, killing them. 

Also, many polishes and glosses are toxic to them as well. The good news is that often you can contact the dealer of the shell(s) to double-check what they use. Always make sure to fully research any shell (and any other item) before you put it into your hermit crab(s) crabitat.

Is my hermie going to like this shell?

First of all, every hermit crab is different, so you can't just think a hermit crab is going to like a shell you give them just because their species normally likes that kind of shell. But, chances are they will like it. So, here are two tips on if a hermie is going to like their shell.

Tip 1: Certain species of hermit crabs like certain shells. 

For example, Purple Pincher hermit crabs generally (with some exceptions) like round shaped opening shells. This is because Purple Pinchers have a more round abdomen than say, an Ecuadorian hermit crab with a more oval abdomen.

Here are a couple examples of round opening shells:

Here are a couple examples of oval opening shells:

This is a great way to guess which shells a hermit crab will like. But, of course, some hermit crabs are unusual with their shell picking so you may want to have shells of many varieties.

Tip 1: Get many sizes.

A happy hermit crab has many shell sizes available to him or her. Both bigger and smaller. If a hermit crab feels that it's shell is too big, then it will most likely move into a smaller shell, and vise-versa. This keeps a hermit crab from being weighted down or unbearable cramped.

How much does a good hermit crab shell cost?

Prices vary, and quality varies. Decent medium size shells can cost from 2 dollars to 15 dollars. But a good rule of thumb is to find a good shell, then find out what it costs. if it costs to much, move on to a different option, and so on. Remember, quality is key. Shells that are thin, painted, glossed, or weird shaped, will not not be worth your money and your time.

Where do I find a good shell? 

There are many online and in-person options for buying shells. I have only used Amazon (which has been a very good option) so far, but I have heard of many other options such as:

Hermit Crab Patch (online)

I have heard of Hermit Crab Patch as a very good decent company to buy from. They have a wide range of products including (but not limited to) substrate, climbing toys, food, and shells. Their website also has information about caring for hermit crabs.

Petsmart or Petco (in-store and online)

You could find a good shell in Petsmart or Petco perhaps, but it is hard to know if the shell is safe and of good quality. But if you happen to be in here for another reason, I would also check for shells.   

Hope you enjoyed my run-through of shells and please comment on places you have found good shells. Also, please tell me other topics you want me to cover. Thanks for reading!
