Climbing Stuff!!!! (helpful tips about climbing stuff)

Hermit Crabs LOVE to Climb!

Picture from Oregon Hermit Crab Rescue. Learn more about their hermit rescue!

Hermit Crabs are active and inquisitive! They need to spend their energy. So give them lots of climbing stuff! 

Fake vines and other plants are great to hang and prop up in their tank. Your hermit crabs will LOVE to climb up into the vines and relax there for a little, then move on to another spot.

Netting is also another great climbing option! I would choose good-size netting that is clean. Hang it up like the picture above, or find your own way.

Cholla (Choya) Wood is some of the best climbing wood available. Just add it to your tank and your hermits will be climbing all over it!
